Tae Kwon Do Black Belt Forms

WTF TaeKwonDo Black Belt Form One – Koryo

Koryo Form Tae Kwon Do

Koryo (Korea), the first Taekwondo black belt formed to be studied, is the name of an old Korean Dynasty and that kind of spirit is reflected in the movements of the Poomsae Koryo.

Each movement of this Poomsae is meant to represent the strength and energy that was needed at the time to control the Mongols.  This Black Belt form is to be practiced and mastered by 1st Dan Black Belts in order to demonstrate their lessons, skills, and progression in Tae Kwon Do.

This Koryo (or Koryeo)form is one of the longer black belt forms that you will learn and the first form you must master as you start your journey up the black belt ranks.  Here are the other WTF TaeKwonDo Forms if  you would like to look at those as well.

At this point in your training your forms will come under even more scrutiny then before and therefore must be performed to perfection.

As you read through these steps and watch the accompanying video pay attention to not only how the form is preformed but also the details with each kick, turn and hand strike that is made.

Terms Used

  • Sonnal Momtong Makki – Double Knife Hand Middle Block
  • JoonBi – Ready Stance (i.e. “at ease”)
  • Kodeup Chagi – Side Kick
  • Sonnal Olgul Bakkat Chigi – Strike to the neck using a knife hand
  • Chagi – A Kick
  • Kihap – A Shout

Koryo Black Belt Form

Step By Step Movements

Step 1:
From your JoonBi, bring your hands up with your palms facing the sky, then, as you rise on your toes, align your hands in front of your chest and turn your palms to face one another as you bring your hands in front of your face as you put both feet back flat on the ground.

Step 2:
Turn 90 degrees to your left and get into a Right Back Stance as you execute Sonnal Momtong Maki.

Step 3:
Deliver a right Kodeup Chagi which is a side kick delivered twice (kicking low and then kicking high), land your right leg in front of your left and get into a Right Front Stance.

Step 4:
Deliver a right Sonnal Olgul Bakkat Chigi by striking your open hand with the palm facing the ground and hitting your opponent’s neck, then throw a left middle punch.

Step 5:
Get into a Left Back Stance and execute a right middle block.

Step 6:
Turn 180 degrees to your right on your left foot and land your right foot forward while executing a Sonnal Momtong Maki.

Step 7:
Deliver a left Kodeup Chagi and land your left foot in a Left Front Stance.

Step 8:
Deliver a left Sonnal Olgul Bakkat Chigi by striking your open hand with the palm facing the ground and hitting your opponent’s neck, then throw a right middle punch.

Step 9:
Get into a Right Back Stance and execute a left middle block.

Step 10:
Turn 90 degrees to your left and get into a Left Front Stance. You then execute a left Batagson Montong Maki and deliver a right Arc Hand Strike by opening your hand and outstretching it toward the opponent’s throat.

Step 11:
Deliver a Right Front Kick and land in a Right Front Stance then execute a low right Batagson Montong Maki and deliver a left Arc Hand Strike.

Step 12:
Deliver a left front kick and land in a Left Front Stance then execute a low left Batagson Montong Maki and deliver a right Arc Hand Strike. Remember to Kihap afterwards.

Step 13:
Deliver a Right Front Kick and land in a Right Front Stance then grab your opponent’s ankle with your right hand and press down on your opponent’s knee with your left.

Step 14:
Turn 180 degrees to your left and land in a Right Front Stance as you execute a double middle block.

Step 15:
Deliver a left front kick and land in a Left Front Stance then grab your opponent’s ankle with your left hand and press down on your opponent’s knee with your right.

Step 16:
Move you left leg back slightly and execute a double middle block.

Step 17:
Turn 90 degrees to your left and get into a horse stance then execute open your hand with the palm facing you.

Step 18:
Keeping your left arm outstretched, deliver a right middle punch to your left palm as if you are holding your opponent with your left hand.

Step 19:
Execute Oreun Apkkoa Seogi and deliver a Left Side Kick.

Step 20:
Turn 180 degrees to your right and get into a front stance.

Step 21:
Deliver a Low Fingertip Thrust with your left hand and pull him with your right hand until he reaches your left shoulder.

Step 22:
Slightly slide your right foot back and execute a right low block.

Step 23:
Step your left foot forward and execute a left Bagston Monton Maki.

Step 24:
Get into your horse-riding stance and throw a right elbow strike.

Step 25:
Shift into a right Sonnal Montong Maki.

Step 26:
Keeping your right arm outstretched, deliver a left middle punch to your left palm as if you are holding your opponent with your right hand.

Step 27:
Execute Wen Apkkoa Seogi and deliver a Right Side Kick.

Step 28:
Turn 180 degrees into a Left Front Stance.

Step 29:
Deliver a Low Fingertip Thrust with your right hand and pull him with your left hand until it reaches your right shoulder.

Step 30:
Step your right foot forward and execute a right Batagson Monton Maki.

Step 31:
Get into your horse-riding stance and throw a left elbow strike.

Step 32:
Get into a Closed Stance by moving your right foot next to your left as you raise your open hands above your head and bring them down in a circular motion with your left fist meeting your open right hand; this is called Slow Low Hammer fist.

Step 33:
Turn 180 degrees to your left and land in a Left Front Stance as you execute a left Knife Hand Strike and then transition it to a left Sonnal Montong Maki.

Step 34:
Step forward with your right foot once and execute a right Knife Hand Strike and then transition it to a right Sonnal Montong Maki.

Step 35:
Step forward with your left foot once and execute a left Knife Hand Strike and then transition it to a left Sonnal Montong Maki.

Step 36:
Step forward with your right foot once and execute a right Arc Hand Strike and then yell and return to your Joon Bi Seogi.

Step 37:
Just like you did in the start of this form, left your open hands with palms facing the sky and turn them to face each other as it reaches your chest and continue to lift them until they reach your face.

Tips and Advice

Always keep your posture straight and strong to maintain balance and stability in your movements! It’s also worth mentioning to listen to your body and don’t force yourself to learn something you personally aren’t ready for yet; in cases like these, practice slowly until you feel comfortable enough to try again!


Always wait for the “Baro!” or end signal of your master before getting into Joon Bi Seogi after every form; this shows that you are taught to be disciplined during Tae Kwon Do sessions.

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